What Are Dis?

Who am I? I have no clue. But on the surface I'm a 20-year-old Canadian girl who's about to go on some crazy adventures around the world - but really Europe. 

I've completed my first year of university at the University of Victoria and, instead of going back to responsibilities, I have decided to take the semester off and spend all that money I was saving this summer on plane tickets and useless trinkets. 

Though I kind of have sort of half of a kind of plan, I really don't know what I'm doing. I've got a flight from Vancouver to London and a flight back to Vancouver booked, but other than that it's pretty much me throwing paper in the air and trying to catch it all.

If ur expecting a srsly srs blog, ur in da wrong place bra. I ain't writin' form'ly fer none-a y'all!

My posts will be sporadic, to say the least, so I would recommend "Follow[ing] by email", a little box thingy that can be found on the left of this blog! It'll send you a handy email every time I word vomit here!

Although I adore writing dumb things and posting it to the general public, the main reason for this blog is to communicate with people that I am, in fact, still alive and more-or-less well. Please enjoy my blog as I play an elaborate game of Balloon-Don't-Touch-The-Ground with my bank account. It should be an adventure, and I hope I can make you laugh at the dumb mistakes that I will inevitably make in the process! If you seriously enjoy reading my stuff, you might consider checking out my previous blog I kept during my adventures on exchange in Finland. Unfortunately, all of the pictures have disappeared, so you'll just have to fill in the blanks with images of snow and cold and such.

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