Friday, October 2, 2015

A Week in Finland

So I've been in Finland almost a week now and I've come to realise that I don't understand Finnish as well as I should. The average Finn seams to speak to me very differently than my family...

Random Finn who doesn't know I'm Canadian: "I wish to know if you would enjoy consuming the clear, tasteless beverage having the chemical make-up of two hydrogen and one oxygen molecules"

My family: "You want some water?"

In any case, I'm still able to get by with my crappy Finnish. At least it entertains my friends.

Speaking of friends, it's awesome to see everyone again! Very little has changed, but that's to be expected; I've only been gone a year! I'm going to my old high school on Monday, which will be weird. I'll only know the third years and teachers, everyone else will be wondering who that strange kid who can't speak Finnish is.

On an interesting note, the little town/ village/ gathering of people in a concentrated area that I'm staying in has taken in about 200 refugees. I've been very curious to meet some of them, and I recently found out they are looking for volunteers to help! I'm not sure what I would be needed for, but I plan on going in a couple of days to help out. I think it will be an amazing experience to find out where these people are from and what they've been through to arrive here; you hear a lot about refugees in the news, but it'll be a whole different story actually speaking to them. I can't wait to update you readers on my experiences there!

Otherwise, life is... Life. I've just kind of jumped back into my routine I had a year ago, which has me in a false sense of security. The next two months will be, well, quite a bit different. I'm still not 100% sure where I'm going; I've booked flights to Copenhagen and then Amsterdam, where I'll meet up with my bffl - sorry, not sorry - who currently lives there and we'll travel around for her October break. After that I'm going to Belgium and Scotland and other places? Horrah for not making plans!

So yeah, there you go. I'm still alive n' stuff. Hopefully I'll update you again before I leave Finland but, again, I make no promises!

L8r luzerz, Carl out »»»»»

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