Monday, October 12, 2015

Photos for My Bloggerino

Last time I made a blog, I used some feature with Blogger that showed the photos right in the blog and took them from Facebook. At the time, I thought it was rad, but now when I look back at the blog all the photos are gone. This is unfortunate. Because I'm sure that will happen again with this blog, I'm just going to give you the address to the Facebook album I have made (which is public - aka anyone can see it, even if you don't have a Facebook account). If I want to reference a particular photo, I will link it like this so you can click and see it.

Hopefully this works for everyone and doesn't get messed up in a couple of months!

I'm writing a full post about Denmark that I'll probably post quite soon, but for now I have photos from my last few days here that you can see at this link (this is the same album as linked above).

Enjoy creeping my photos :)

Ses senere!
>>> Claire

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