Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Face Your Fears!

I wrote this, as usual, on a plane. I just left Copenhagen and am hopefully flying in the direction of Amsterdam, where I get to see my favorite weirdo Canadian! I'm really stoked to see her, and we'll be off adventuring in Belgium and the Czech Republic! It's gonna be a wild ride, boys and girls, and I can't wait. Here's a blog post about my stay in Copenhagen...

A little background:
I'm afraid of a lot of things. I'm kind of like a 9-year-old that accidentally got stuck in a 20-year-old's body. The two fears I experienced on Sunday were hights - a really quite common fear - and.... biking. Seriously, I'm afraid of biking. I'm not even talking about the motorised stuff, I'm talking the metal frame you sit on and use your feet to pedal. I don't like the feeling of moving so fast, but the thing I really fear is when you turn a corner and the bike banks to one side.
I'm a physics kid, I know why this happens. I also know that, unless the ground is mega slippery or covered in gravel, I won't slip. I still pee my pants a little bit every time.
There, now you have two tidbits of information about me for when they make Trivial Pursuit: Claire Stanhope edition.

Tangent: I just blew my own mind: Timbits must be a play on words for tidbit, since they're so small. Does everyone know this? Am I late in this revelation? Probably, I'm kind of oblivious.

Okay anyways, Sunday I biked around Copenhagen, which was terrifying, and I also climbed a ridiculously high tower and even climbed to the very top without vomiting! I can confidently say that my father would not have made it to the top of the Church of Our Savior, and probably not even out onto the main lookout. I, however, did, so I deserve a gold star. This is a photo of me at the top, trying not to look like I was about to hyperventilate and pass out.
Despite leaving my stomach half way up the tower, the view was AMAZING. It honestly reminded me of Assassins Creed, when you climb up a huge tower and just get to marvel at the view. This view was only slightly less pixelated.

After getting to the bottom of the tower and learning how to walk again, I went to an area nearby called Christiania, affectionately known as the Green Light District. I feel like you're already catching on as to what this place was, but I'll be blunt: it was a giant pot market. They had signs everywhere saying "NO PHOTOS" and all the vendors covered their "storefronts" with mesh and army camouflage and wore masks. I'm not even kidding.

Other than that, my time in Copenhagen was mostly sightseeing - which is best experienced in my facebook album - and getting lost, with the occasional beer and open-faced sandwich thrown in.

All in all, Copenhagen was beautiful. Every single building was gorgeous, no matter what it was. Danes proved to be extremely friendly, coming up to me and asking help as I stared blankly at my map of the city. I was lucky enough to have an awesome host that lent me her terrifying transportation machine (read 'bike') and let me stay with her in her mini apartment. The generosity of Danes and Europeans continues to amaze me!

Tak og farvel Danmark!
Carl out »»»»»»

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