Friday, September 18, 2015

Hello Everyone!

This is my blog, welcome! This page on the interwebs will help inform you, the reader, of my travels around the beautiful continent of Europe!

I highly recommend reading my "What Are Dis?" page, which can be found in the toolbar beside "Home", just under my 80s-style, mega-ugly banner thingy. 

As I say in the "What Are Dis?" page, my posts will be sporadic, and unpredictable, and irregular, and random, and scattered... So I recommend putting your email into the "Follow by Email" box, just on the left here. I will try to put a little post on Facebook whenever I post something new, but I make absolutely no promises at all. 

I'm leaving Canada-land in less than a week, and I'm actually terrified. I've never not planned something so, well, important as this. I mean, I'm going to a whole other continent and just going "hmmm, I guess I should find a place to sleep tonight!" It's a terrifying idea, but I'm actually really excited. My new years resolution in maybe 2012 was to be more spontaneous. I of course, like all other new years resolutions I've ever had, did the exact opposite of that for the rest of the year. Maybe this trip will make up for that failure. Let's just say it does, to make me feel better. 

If you have any questions, comments, concerns, places I can stay... please leave me a comment on these posts! I would give out my email, but I'd be afraid of being flooded with unreasonable amounts of fan mail *tosses hair in the best Justin Bieber impression you've ever seen*

ANYWAYS, I think I'm done talking for now. Talk to you soon!

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