Wednesday, September 23, 2015

They Speak English in What?

So I woke up this morning, turned off my alarm, walked to the bathroom and almost vomited. I'm sorry if that's a little graphic, but I want to give you guys an idea of how nervous I am.

I'm not sure why I'm so scared, but I hope the feeling goes away soon. I feel like I'm carrying 20kg of rocks in my chest in addition to my equally heavy backpack.

I'm not afraid of arriving in Finland. Not even remotely. I'm afraid of navigating London to get to Finland. It's strange, they speak English in London - THEY SPEAK ENGLISH IN WHAT?!?? - but I'm going to feel like an alien. A legal alien. A Canadian in London...

God, I hope someone gets all my references.

Although my first bus was mega late, I managed to not miss my second bus and made it to the ferry in one piece. Once arriving in Vancouver I jumped on the bus and promptly fell asleep. I like to live dangerously.

Do not fret, my good lady, for I made it to the Vancouver International Airport five hours before my boarding time. Wow, rebel.

So I'm just chilling in the airport at this point. This post is mainly for me to try out the Blogger phone application and get used to the fact that I'm going to have to type on a stupid touch screen keyboard instead of my laptop's beautiful keyboard with real buttons and clicky sounds... But alas, the laptop did not meet the space or weight restrictions I placed upon myself, so I must live with the consequences.

So yeah. Hope you enjoyed my pointless ramble. I'm going to edit this a couple of times and mess with the layout, and I really hope those of you who have subscribed via email aren't emailed every time I update. If you are, I'm sorry.

Carl out. »»»»»»»

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